Hello all! I wanted to see if I could maybe figure out what is going with this Cattleya seedling I purchased and received about 2 months ago. It has grown amazingly within that time, producing what seems like 4 new pseudobulbs? I was quite surprised because I didn't expect that many new growths at a time. I wasn't sure if this was normal, especially since the original leaves are turning wrinkly.
It seems there are a few reasons the leaves can get wrinkled, but I want to try to understand what is causing it.
I've been watering every 3-4 days, the humidity here is pretty low, around 40% so maybe I should try to increase the humidity in the space?
I'm using half the recommended fertilizer amount.
I use an LED grow light for 8 hours per day.
Not sure whether it is a deficiency, lack of/too much water, or maybe too much energy is being expended on all these new growths?
Hopefully this hasn't been answered elsewhere, I can't seem to find a similar situation.
I'm very new with orchids, so there is a lot I'm still learning! I would appreciate some tips for Cattleya seedlings if anyone has any info!