Phal growing second set of crown leaves?
Background: I inherited this plant last summer from someone who couldn’t bear to see the flowers dropping because her daughter gave it to her. It was healthy and had flowers that finally all dropped around early October of this year. At that time it was two plants shoved into one pot by the grower/seller to make it look full of flowers. Each stem has its own flower stalk and roots that I separated and potted in new medium. Unfortunately, the pot fell off the windowsill in a strong wind gust and the newest leaf broke off. Then I went away for two months, having taught the hubz how to soak it and drain rather than letting it sit in water (like I used to, thanks YouTube!)
Back to now: I returned Monday to withering, dry, but still very green outer leaves and firm and happy new inner leaves, but a split set both growing from the crown!
Could the fall have shocked it into sending up a second crown? It doesn’t appear in the spots where keikis would start. Is this typical? Its partner in the separate pot had firm leaves and no special growth.
(Obvious- Newb to orchid growing and learning a lot. Glad to have found this forum!)