Hi everyone,
I recently bought 2 Orchids (NoId Phals, from a garden center ot specializing in orchids) that are behaving in a way I do not understand, maybe someone can explain me what the problem might be (or if there even is any...).
After two weeks of being with me both orchids started to have their leaves "flop" no idea how to decribe this better (see pic), they were more upright before. The leaves are rigid to the touch and not wrinkled at all, just flop. They are also relatively thin from top to bottom. Other than that, the bark only medium still looks ok to me, it dries out in about a week, and the roots (as far as I can see, dont really want to take it out of its pot just now since in full bloom) look fine to me as well (go through green silver cycles, see pic on the verge of going silver). I dont see any sign of pests either. I am a relative newbie to orchid-care but I have kept Orchids for more than 10 years on the same windowsill and they always did resonably well "despite my (non-)care". I watered them with a shot glass full of tap water in irregular intervalls (up to 3 weeks in between!), never fertilized, never repotted... They were in fact the only plants that survived my "care" and some of them were with me for the whole 10 years (until lockdowns induced my absence for 9 months...). They bloomed quite regularly... but admittedly never grew much

What I want to say by this is two things. 1.) I dont think the location/lighting of the plants is the problem (since it wasn't before) and 2.) This time around I want to do it properly... and have started reading up already (thank god for this place!) but could find no information on why this floppy leaf problem occurs, all explanation I could find referred to seriously dehydrated plants. And (at least to me) they do not seem dehydrated? and if so why would they be? I obviously dont "water" them the old way any more, but submerge their pots in water (50:50 tap + VE) for around 10 min once the the roots are silvery and visible condensation in the pot has ceased, which was around once a week for now. No fertilizer yet since I still wait for my conductometer to be shipped to me...
Hence, do I need to worry, take them out of their pot to inspect the roots further or just wait and see? What else could I try? Sorry for the long (con-)text.