Cutting flower spike to spur root growth?
This comes from Miss Orchid Girl on Youtube, she mentions cutting the flower spike close to the stem helps the plant redirect its energy to grow more roots. However, she doesn't cite where she gets the information from.
I wonder how much of this is true. For example, I have an old plant putting out a spike now that I adopted recently. I much rather have this plant acclimate to my environment and care than put out flowers. If the spike cutting technique is true, I'd rather cut it, let the plant keep growing roots and leaves and hope for a better and healthier blooming next year.
However, cutting the spike alone seems inconclusive as I understand the plant would need the additional heat and light to "understand" that it's time to put out roots.
Any tips on whether this is a myth or truth and whether this can actually help with root growth in absence of higher temperatures and light?
Last edited by MateoinLosAngeles; 11-02-2022 at 08:46 PM..