Tightly packed sphagnum moss is an excellent potting method in many growing circumstances, but the grower needs to water moss differently. Watering plants in sphagnum is very different from watering plants in bark or other media.
With large chunks of medium one wants to water thoroughly, so air is displaced and all the medium is wet. Not so with moss.
The aim is to have moss just moist, never soaking wet, with lots of air spaces. If moss is soaked at watering all the air is displaced, and roots may rot. The way to water plants in sphagnum moss is to wait until the top of the moss is crisp dry, then just run water over the moss for 1-2 seconds, no more. This wets just the top layer. The water diffuses through the moss, leaving it just moist, yet allows lots of air spaces to remain.
Many mass-produced Phals are sold in moss, and need to be watered like this. People who haven't learned yet soak the moss, obliterate the air spaces, and the roots suffocate.