Hi all and sorry for the slow reply. Kid stuff and a fractured foot had me running behind all week.
The substrate had a spongy quality and did not rinse out, so I am suspecting it was the above-mentioned plugs or something similar. Either way, the new Phal is doing well so far after some TLC and a repotting.
---------- Post added at 09:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Hazeldazel
I'm in California and sometimes there's this sponge-like material as the center plug. Awful stuff if you don't know to repot right away.
Anyway, welcome  and in the enabling spirit have you heard about the summer blooming phals like Phal. bellina or Phal. violacea? They are sequential bloomers meaning they won't bloom with 20 at once, rather a couple at a time all the time. Oh did I mention they have a sweet fragrance?
Thank you for the A level enabling. I am already looking into both lol...
On that subject, with my foot being a bit messed up, my plans to do some sort of indoor greenhouse/cabinet might get put off until next year.
Can anyone recommend some additional genus or species that would work well in my current plant area?
Cliff notes-
I am in cold New England and my house faces north, so I have almost zero help from windows and/or natural daylight in the winter.
I do use full spectrum plant lights on a 12/12 schedule and am able to ramp up that intensity if needed. I can also reliably keep the plant area at 50 to 60% humidity with a humidifier, pebble trays and light
misting. Room is set to 63 degrees, but the lighting in that corner keeps it a few degrees warmer when they are running.
Suggestions are appreciated. The good news is my tree filled yard is my south side, so providing the orchids with a dappled light outdoor summer retreat is also in the plan. They just need to be indoors until around April...

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