ladies and gentlemen, orchid servants of all shapes and sizes, races, creeds, and identities...come now and take a tiny gander at the diminutive marvel of the micranthum!
yet it is with the greatest of joy that we have witnessed movement in the bud, and implore you all to wager your immense fortunes on the date this little guy will open up.
admission to the game is admittedly large as well: free.
but the winner this time will receive an orchid in the mail from a regional grower near them, provided they want to pm me their address upon winning.
so now here the details to help inform your decision. the plant came to us with juuuust the tiniest fuzz open on the bud. it was moved to semi-hydro around 2 months ago and just in the last couple days is showing some signs of movement.
keep in mind, paphs seem to take approximately the short side of never to least in our care!
rules as always:
type A: bud blasts ( provide date of death )
type B: flower opens ( provide date flower first cracks open)
only 2 options, cause it’s a 1 flower paph. we here wish you the most enourmous amount of luck to win the first, official, awarded edition of bloom time to ever hit the webs!!!
oh, and it’ll be a cheap orchid (like max 25 bux) cause, you know, money don’t grow on orchids and you lot don’t deserve any better