About a year ago I got this Den Nobile "Love Memory". At that time it had just been repotted. The plant seems fine, even though last winter I didn't quite give it enough water. (I fell for the "don't water it in the winter" story). I was giving it regular feedings until April when I moved, and I have moved twice more since then, so it has had four different growing environments in the past year, and I lost my little bottle of orchid food so it hasn't had any fertilizer since April. Last winter the leaves didn't drop but I got 8 flowers in June.
I have two problems:
1. Basically, it hasn't grown at all. If you look at the picture of the smaller stalk, between the two leaves there is a darker green ball that is the only growth I've seen on that stalk, and it is about 3-4 mm (just over ⅛") long. The longer stalk has grown a stubby little leaf about Ľ the length of the others - and that leaf was already starting before I got the plant. So although the plant is hanging in there, I think it needs something it's not getting.
2. Do you see in the picture, the little white things that were part of the flowers? Do I take these things off the plant, or leave them on? They seem pretty sturdy.
Any suggestions? Right now it's sitting close to a south-facing window that doesn't get much light (cedar trees just outside), and the sun is much lower in the sky so I'm wondering what to do for winter care. I remember from last year that I wasn't supposed to fertilize it during the winter, but it hasn't had anything since April; should I find some more orchid fertilizer and give it a feed?