Bulbo (pink roots), A.Punctata (black root tip) and some leave problems
Hello Everyone,
First time user here! I posted the same thread under Disease section, but I figured this subforum is more popular. I will delete the other one.
I recently built a Paludarium/Orchidarium with an automated mister and fan.
The first three residents in the tank are:
1. bulbophyllum purpurascens
2. Aerangis Punctata
3. Dendrobium Aberrans
Apparently each of them are having some issues. So I’m posting here to get some advice.
1. Bulbo - I received this one potted and I mounted it on the drift wood. I begin to see some roots turning pinkish color. I thought this could be a. tannin bleach; b. Normal root transition from potted to bare (as also this species is known for their purple color) or c. Fungus/disease
2. Aerangis Punctata - this one is currently in spike. I noticed one root started with active green tip but then turned into this blackened/rotted color. My guess is that this is either an overwatering where it has too much stand water, or tannin bleach.
3. Dendrobium Aberrans - I got this one with black spots and a few rotted roots from the seller (potted). I cut away the rotted roots and gave it a good soak in the Inocucor solution (diluted). But in the last few days, I begin to see some white patches (probably fungi/non mealy bugs). This one does get all the mist, so it is also possible that standing water is causing this.
I have the famous Inocucor which I’m planning to spray and rinse weekly.
Thanks a lot!