what to do with this dendrobium nobile new growth?
hi all!
I got this Dendrobium nobile seedling . Apart from putting out a new growth from the base, it has also put out a new Keiki-like growth on top of an older growth. what should i do with it?
Leave it. Quite normal, and an attached keiki can bloom too. When the plant is bigger, they can be separated when the roots get much longer, but for a small plant I agree, it needs to stay as one plant.
There's a myth that circulates on the 'net that keikis take energy away from the mother plant. NOT TRUE. It's one of the plant's strategies for propagation, totally normal. And doesn't take away from the mother plant at all, just another source of photosynthesis and therefore energy for the whole plant.
My chrysotoxum threw out 4 keikis last yr which I didn't remove until roots got about 4 inches long and plant just got too big for my space. Then I removed all but one to try and propagate. Spots where keikis were removed got dusted with cinnamon.
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