I'm moving from coast to coast. I'm getting a pod for my inanimate objects, a plane ticket for myself, and shipping my plants... this Friday. By this point, I have an eclectic crew of survivors that has survived my various moves across the country including:
- a bunch of Phalaenopsis seedlings
- a miniature (?) Sobralia
- and some random terrestrials (inc. Eltroplectris, Crainichis, and Cynorkis)
- two Phals on Kool logs that haven't died yet
I'm especially interested in packing plants and mailing them. As far as packing plants is concerned, the the phals are low growing with relatively sturdy leaves, so I figured I'd wrap them in individually in batting and then wrap them in newspaper. I'm wondering what to do about the fragile Crainichis leaves and the tall Eltroplectris and Sobralia leaves. I'm thinking of stuffing the Kool logs with moistened sphagnum moss before wrapping them in batting and newspaper, or should I ship them dry?
In terms of mailing, I'm moving from PA to WA, so I'm expecting temps to be good. What kinds of shipping speeds should I be looking for? I feel like 2 day shipping is the sweet spot for plant survivability while still shipping plants at a scale, but I'm just guessing.
TL;DR Tell me about your most recent plant shipping experiences. Even if you can't answer my questions specifically, I'm interested in any stories and your takeaways.
Edit: some pictures of my plants