Following this to see what experienced catasetum growers have to say. I'm not. Have five, one bloomed last year, and I'm on my second season of growing.
I have two I started to water a little. One of them had roots about the length of yours, and I experimented by watering a little bit in opposite corner from where new growth is. A week later, and watered a bit again. It seems to be doing fine.
A question from me as well. The medium in LobotomizedGoat's pot looks like it will be hard to keep watered enough? My understanding is they need LOTS of water when in growth. Mine are planted in a SH type container, LECA up to the top of reservoir, then LECA/bark/sphag, with final top layer being sphag.
Don't necessarily listen to me LG...

... I'm here for the knowledge.