Welcome to the Orchid Board!
More information needed. What kind of light are they getting? What temperatures day/night? What kind of humidity are they getting? How are you watering, and how often? How do you decide when to water? Does your water have any calcium in it? When were they last repotted?
The Phal looks as though it might be getting too much light. They prefer no more than 1,000 foot candles though they like long days from spring to fall. Phals do best in medium with large air spaces at the roots, which need air to survive. They prefer going almost but not completely dry between waterings.
The Oncidium has had issues with underwatering in the past. There is a chance it is getting too much light now. The pot is much larger than I would have used. These do need to stay moist, not drying out, but they also need air at their roots.