Sticky White Film and a Few Tiny Black Spots - Dendrobium
I have had a Dendrobium 'Samurai' for several weeks, in perfect health. It's pretty big, over 2.5'. Today I discovered a sticky white substance on a large near lowest leaf. I thought it might be happy sap. However, on just one other leaf, a very small leaf towards the top of the plant, there is the same sticky white substance, but also a couple tiny black spots. There is also one tiny black speck at the edge of a small nearby leaf.
Does this seem like some kind of pest? The big leaf at the bottom has a lot of the sap, hopefully happy sap, but no black spots. The the tiny black specks at the tiny top leaf a coincidence, not pests but maybe a bit stressed or burned? How do I go about verifying what's going on with this Orchid? Also, should I clip that little top leaf, to be on the safe side?