Phal schilleriana - keiki kind of problem
Hello everyone. I have a bit of an odd problem with my phal schilleriana. The plant I have has been mine since it was a seedling and last year it grew a flower spike for the first time. I was very excited to see it bloom, but then instead of a flower at the top of the flower spike I saw a leaf. It grew a keiki instead and no flowers. I was, well, ok, you do you. I left the keiki to grow, cut it out when it had enough roots and both plants were doing fine. Fast forward to just now. I had another flower spike, happy to finally see a flower and at the top of the spike I just see another leaf. Look like another keiki. What is going on here? To clarify as well, I did not touch the plant with any sort of hormones or keiki paste, nothing like that. Will it ever make a flower? Do I need to change something? Any advice?