Oncidiums often have a lot of spots. They grow fine in most homes, but for perfection the prefer humidity higher than in most homes. Many prefer water lower in dissolved minerals than what is found in a lot of tap water. When temperatures, humidity or water solids are off they may develop a lot of unsightly but mostly harmless spots.
Page through the Oncidium forum here, accessible from the left yellow menu. Get an idea of what they want. They prefer bright light but not necessarily direct sun, evenly moist medium that doesn't dry out, plenty of air at the roots and moderate temperatres (for most. Some prefer cool temperatures; some warm.)
Sphagnum moss is a good medium for Oncidiums in most homes. Don't soak all the moss when you water. Just run water over the top for a second. It will diffuse throughout the moss, leaving it damp yet well aerated. Water again when the top is nearly crisp.