Galeopetalum repot - urgent help needed!
I got this Galeopetalum Starburst 'Parkside' at Hauserman's last month. It's roots were pushing up out of the pot, and it looked like some new ones were coming, so I decided to repot. You can see what I found!
I soaked it for a bit before taking it out. The roots have grown in circles around the outside of the pot and are intertwined. At first, I got a few roots loose. Then I broke the tip of one. Then it became apparent there were a lot that are really stuck together and I cracked another. I can see decomposing spag in the middle and some rotten roots. What should I do?
Should I just repot in a bigger pot as is and wait for them to disentangle more on their own? I'll try getting some of the spag out with tweezers. Also, I was going to put it in just a slightly larger pot. Should I go bigger? I'm repotting into orchiata.
Holding tight until I get some advice...
Upgrading myself from complete beginner to novice learner...