I was recently gifted a
D. jenkinsii. It came from the nursery growing naked on plastic mesh and covered in scummy algae.
I cleaned off the algae and divided it to hedge my bets, since some of it isn't looking all that healthy. I plan to post later with pics, but there are small brown sunken spots on the leaves which I believe are pathogenic. Also has tiny white specks on some of the leaves and bulbs which I'm guessing is mineral buildup? but would love some confirmation.
First though: should I leave it mounted as is? The other orchids I've mounted all have a bit of sphagnum, on a surface that retains some moisture. This is bare root on plastic so I'm worried about it drying out.
In my growing area the humidity is ~75% after watering/
misting, slowly dropping to 45-50% overnight. There's a small fan running during the day, temp is 75-80ºF day, 68-70ºF night.
I've been
misting it 1-2 times a day, aiming for the roots but obviously unable to completely avoid the leaves. Would it be better to stick a bit of moss in there and water it less? The other option would be to cut away the mesh and put it in some moss or bark, but that will involve some root damage as it's thoroughly intertwined with the plastic.
Any thoughts are appreciated!

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