Originally Posted by HiOrcDen
So good to know... should I get white SC?
White shade cloth will keep a greenhouse a lot cooler than a darker color SC. Aluminet should keep it the coolest because it reflects some of the light/heat.
Lighter colored SC can be more expensive than darker colors. Light colored plastics typically require the use of virgin raw materials to avoid a grey/off color, whereas darker colors can use post consumer materials for some of the inputs since there will be added dyes.
If you're shading an outdoor patio-type space that gets a good breeze most of the time then the SC color probably doesn't matter. If your hottest months are only in the low-mid 80s then it also probably doesn't matter. If you do want to limit any potential heat gain, choose white, tan, or aluminet if your budget allows.
Also consider what is on the other side of the setup. White and aluminet can be very bright to look at in full sun. Unhappy neighbors with a "new" glaring view of your shade cloth could outweigh the desire to avoid a few degrees of heat gain.