Originally Posted by Ray
Wouldn't 70% shade give 3000 fc?
You're correct, Ray.
I have 60% shade cloth over most of my yard, get the additional reduction in intensity from trees and location relative to house and fences, etc. Since the sun isn't at its maximum all the the time, I do tend to fudge toward "more light" knowing that it won't be high all of the time. So that's the other factor... light duration (and variation over the year), not neatly accounted for in calculations. ("Full sun" isn't 10,000 fc all the time either) From a practical point of view, 70% in my yard is too much shading for anything other than Paphs.
Even the more accurate designations on plants need calibrating... I got a plant from Andy's Orchids that said "full sun" ... and burned it. Andy's climate is very similar to mine. But a visit to the nursery showed that that there is no place that gets sun as intense as in my yard for as long - there are lots of trees. When in my yard, the middle gets the full blast from half an hour after sunrise to half an hour before sunset in summer. Too much unshaded even for a Cymbidium or L. anceps. (Those get 40%)