Originally Posted by HiOrcDen
Sorry if this is a stupid question lol... but if a plant is not accustomed to or does not require distilled water, specifically, is there any harm in using distilled water?
We do have a place called 'Gourmet Water' nearby. Maybe there?
What is a cost effective method for treating water yourself, for better water for the plants?
If a plant doesn't need water low in minerals, it does no harm to use it. Some people actually prefer to use pure sources of water for everything because you can better control the nutrition. But for those that have suitable tap water, the salt sensitive plants get pure water while the rest get tap water.
As to cost effective ways of getting pure water, rain water is the cheapest, if you are lucky enough to live somewhere where it rains regularily. Otherwise a small RO unit can be installed at home, it usually works out cheaper than buying distilled water in a store.