The closest that I have found for min/max for species are the Baker culture sheets in
Orchidwiz , the individual sheets can be purchased at
Orchid Culture -- Charles and Margaret Baker at a modest price (though it could add up if one wanted lots of species. For species, one of my very basic "go-to" references is the Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia (
IOSPE) that gives information about where the species grows. My use the information for the rather binary choice in my orchid growing - "Grows outside at my house" yes or no... the "yes" has to tolerate low temperatures near freezing (but warming up a bit during the day) and highs around 90 deg F (32 deg C) and everything else goes into the greenhouse. I have found that translates to around 1200 m - 2500 m at the equator (places like Ecuador), lower elevations as one moves to higher latitudes (north and south) This is very crude and qualitative, of course... it has however improved my success rate with species. Hybrids are a combination of species, of course (sometimes quite complex), my online source for hybrids is to figure THOSE out.
So my primary go-to is the Orchidwiz database (I do have enough orchids to make the investment) but those two free sources on the web are also very helpful - with the addition of knowing what the climate is like where the given species grows.
Sorry, not a simple answer...