If the rooting hormone product they sent turns out to be powder, I've seen a lot of people on here mention that those types of products are too strong for use on orchids. Diluting it in water isn't effective because the ingredients aren't water soluble. Either way, I hope you're successful in rehabbing the sad ones if that's your plan.
If the rooting hormone product they sent turns out to be powder, I've seen a lot of people on here mention that those types of products are too strong for use on orchids. Diluting it in water isn't effective because the ingredients aren't water soluble. Either way, I hope you're successful in rehabbing the sad ones if that's your plan.
So the seller said it's called First Rays rooting hormones, and I am to use 1 TBSP per gallon. Since he kindly included in the shipment, I will give it a try!
They are here! And yes, the jar says Kelp Max. I will look up how to use it. The replacements look pretty good ar first glance. I will repot them and check the roots later.
I found and followed directions on the KelpMax and soaked the dying plants in solution for a few hrs them potted them in sphag without rinsing. I'm contemplating putting bag over it to help moisture once the leaves dry. We'll see if this helps!