Originally Posted by RoseSD
Who sells Orchiata Bark at the most economical price?
I have been using Orchiata for a long time and have good luck with it. The last time I bought it, I got it from here:
Orchid Bark and Mix
Although I have also done internet searches to find other sellers and who might have the best price. I've also just searched for it on Amazon and bought from there, too. Prices will vary considerably, and it pays to look around.
For the OP here, based on the photo, I would suggest the large size. I have a number of mature Phals, and that's the best size for them. Be aware the the "small" size is very small and packs too tightly for my liking with my medium to large Phals. Other types of orchids that don't mind a denser medium would be fine with it.
Also, as Roberta mentioned in Post #2 here, I also had trouble getting my Phals to rebloom for the first few years I was growing them. Adding lights left on for around 12 hours a day made a tremendous difference. My lights are not large, super-bright, or numerous. Because of growing my orchids in my kitchen and bedroom, I wanted something that would not clash with the residential decor. If you have a separate "plant room" or an actual greenhouse, then it's not an issue. I also wanted full-spectrum fluorescent bulbs as opposed to LED. The exact lamps I have are not made anymore, but this is the general style: