Dracula Gigas and Chimaera
Hello all!
Here goes my first post...
I've recently decided to dab into the growing Dracula orchids. The current set up for my Dracula orchids is that I placed them in a an aquarium with water-soaked clay pebbles. The humidity fluctuates between 79-80%. My set up currently shares grown light from my hydroponics system and the lux level is 2800 lux. There is a lamp from Ikea which I will put a grow bulb in. It's still on its way.
I placed my set up in the kitchen which faces east. It is winter here in Germany and so the window doesn't get that much life. The temperature the kitchen fluctuates around 17 - 20 degrees in the winter and in summer it can reach to 25 C. My apartment is oil the first floor so I don't experience the scorching heat (which can reach over 40C in southern Germany).
I also have an app controlled humidifier to supplement the humidity from evaporation. :-)
I would like to know if my set up would help my orchids thrive?
Greetings from Mannheim!
Last edited by jantigercat; 12-10-2021 at 04:45 PM..