i really don’t like what’s “not” happening
i took her out and did some chopping.
but i think the rot is in or near the top quarter of the core.
here are some photos of what i just did.
about 10 photos would not upload something about a security token so here’s a link to the pictures:
root rot repot etc - Google Photos
I put a bunch of rocks that I had for my bamboo in the bottom the sphagnum that you see is very little only on top.
after bottom rocks > bark type balls, etc > then some sphagnum. I lost an aerial route and I tried to get the other ones into the medium plant had 2 good roots, I noticed those roots originated high on the core. Maybe I should’ve cut the core off below those.
It looks to me like the right or the disease or whatever it is it’s probably into the crown or the upper core I don’t know the proper term analogy but I’m dividing the core into quadrants I guess up and down. If you look very carefully you can see little black around where is some roots had tried to grow very slight. And may be a little bit around the roots that are growing. I noticed that when I pulled out some of the black that left kind of a cup like hole.
if you can see it in pics, one dark root, but somewhat firm, plump, i pulled at and ripped — see the bare greeness? what will happen to that? just curious.
so, what i cut off will ? make little difference, the problem is already higher. cleaning it up, removing those small core wrapped pieces of dried old gone leaves, etc, will help, but not cure … not by a long shot.
i also think the underneath lowest leaf is showing signs of stress. amazing it made it this long, i think, all of it.
probably have totally serious chop as much as plantly

possible to attempt a rare crown core (plant) save. ?
i’d need that root nutrient probably. when i used to clone plants i cut and dusted with root-tone. then used clear plastic wrap as roof until signs of growth. idk.
I removed a lot of the leftover from all the leaves and anything else I could. Those things were definitely probably holding moisture.
I think she’s probably done for but I’ll keep working with it.
i think i shoulda spot sprayed the black spots with 50/50 water and 3% hydrogen peroxide — seen that a bunch on youtube.
if you can tell on those today pics, sorry i shoulda made effort for this: leaves are making black rear boarders/margins. top too. easier to see from back.
also, i think the VERY FIRST sign i shoulda adjusted for was/is leaf tip curl. but, afaik, with totally other type plants, leaf curl is usually over feeding.
i had two years plus of super blooming, extra blooming both times, too. 100 flowers or more, all together. one spike.
so, maybe it’s just in the genes to die off now.
i must say, this spike is just POW. loaded with nascent buds. too bad. pretty sure i messed it up during/after last spike blooming.
ps. if this is an empathic plant, it’s mirroring me (medically), i’m afraid.
pps. i am baffled by what happened after 2 years and 3 profuse bloomings. indeed, my original repot had lots of roots. but looking closer at those old pics, some more should have been clipped at that time. see:
Shared album - Ted Rogers (ichi) - Google Photos