Just to jump back into aggregatum, since I’m still not sure what to do with mine other than record what I try and the results (and try something else next year if it doesn’t work).
I have mature potted one purchased this summer, which finished two new growths last month. It still has active green root tips, so I’ve been watering it with a soak every 1.5-2 weeks but stopped fertilizing around August. The new psb are slightly shriveled with this watering regime. It lives indoors at a south-east window in the South Bay Area, temps 65-85F almost year round, humidity around 35-60%. It has a mild infestation of spider mites so I inspect every week with a loupe and pick them off with an alcohol swab.
Is there anything else obvious I should try for a chance of blooms in spring, or is this a good a shot as any?