sorry to hear that, but i hope you can get the buds to still bloom! i think, with spilled milk this this, there is no harm trying out your hunches with a little experimentation. the worst that can happen is that you throw away that spike 2 weeks from now, and not today
Sometimes... it depends on how close to opening they were. If it has been broken for more than a few minute, trim a bit off the end (I like to use a single edge razor blade to make a clean cut, maybe take about 1/16 inch or 1/8 inch, just to remove the dried surface and pop it in water right away. (Same treatment as for any cut flowers) What do you have to lose???
By the way, just want to express my appreciation for how nice you all are. In another social media's orchid group, some poor lady was made to feel like she had already killed her orchid by just lifting it out of the pot to check on its roots (and asking if it should be repotted). I feel so bad for her....