I have quite a large Phalaenopsis orchid that's leaves are quite droopy on it. I am thinking that it is more than likely due to the sheer size of it. It currently has about 8 leaves on it and is currently growing a 9th leaf. The largest 4 leaves on it are each over a foot long so could this be the main cause of the leaves being so droopy? The first 4 inches or so of the leaves are quite strong and up right but then they just fall straight down. The plant was one of those neglected on the clearance rack gave up on it orchids. But I pulled it out of the pot and there is only a modest amount of rotted roots but there is A LOT of new roots growing inside the pot and most all of the roots are a nice green/gray color. There isn't a lot of dead roots either. But another thing that bothers me is that the leaves where they droop down have cracked down the center. I'm thinking this is from the weight of the leaves also.

And there is one leaf on the bottom where the cell wall I believe collapsed and then withered away but as you can see from the picture the rest of the leaf seems perfectly fine. Any suggestions on what to do for it? This is the largest orchid I have ever owned and have never seen them with this many leaves. Anyone else ever had or seen a plant with 8-9 leaves on it?
Anyway the plant is planted in a bark mix with the moss on top of it to keep the moisture in. It inside my room which stays anywhere from about 70-80 degrees during the day and at night anywhere from 60-70 degrees. I keep a humidifier on in my room. Does any of this sound like it could be a source of the problem or is it just that the leaves are soo big. Sadly it had a gorgeous spike of flowers on it but a cabinet saw to take care of it and broke it off.
Thank you ever one for your comments/suggestions