Hi everyone.
Bear with me in what is probably going to be a lengthy post. Last week I got in a order from Carmela's Orchids. It was their Labor Day special. I got 12 orchids total, a lot of them are new to me. Before that order, I had only had Phal's and one Cattleya.
Here is a list of everything I received:
*Osp. Leopoldo A (in bloom)
*Onc. Speckle Spire 'Snowflake'
*Milt. Ambre's Charm 'Cream Puff'
*Paph. Hsinying Lime x Hsinying Ashley 'Eve'
*Wils. Hilda Plumtree 'HOF'
*Moira. Yellow Star Golden Gambol
*D. Love Memory 'Fizz' (in bloom)
*Lc. Big Time #1
*C White Reception 'NN'
*Gptm. Starburst 'Parkside' AM/AOS
*Den. Chomphu Yai (in bloom)
*Bl. Yellow Bird (in bloom)
Some of these seem to be in fair shape; others are really questionable, to me, at least. I was hoping to get some insight on a few in particular.
Also, I am currently in the Midwest, Kansas, USA. Most of my orchids are in my kitchen and bathroom; both are southern facing. Higher light requirement orchids are in the kitchen; lower-medium light requirement orchids are residing in my bathroom currently. I have a humidifier in the kitchen that's set at 50%. No humidifier in the bathroom as it's already fairly humid. I don't have any grow lights currently; but if that is needed down the road as winter approaches and/if certain orchids need, I do not mind purchasing.
I will be placing a rather large order tonight from repotme for the different potting mixes and pots as well as fertilizer as I haven't been using any up to this point.
Okay. On to pictures!
1. Paph. Hsinying Lime x Hsinying Ashley 'Eve'. This one is in bud. To my untrained eye, this one seems in good condition. It arrived fairly moist and I watered it again lightly this morning as I know they like to stay moist. It is currently in my kitchen, but up on the counter getting ambient southern light. I'm not thinking I need to repot yet. (picture #1)
2. Wils. Hilda Plumtree HOF. The pseudobulbs and leaves look really good to me on this one. The roots & potting medium look iffy. What do you think? It's currently in bud. It is in my kitchen getting ambient southern light. (pictures #2 & #3)
3. Osp. Leopoldo A. This one looks bad to me. It is flowering however. The potting medium looks gross and moldy to me. Repot now or later? It's currently in kitchen receiving southern window light. (pictures #4-6)
4. Milt. Ambre's Charm 'Cream Puff'. This one looks healthy to me. It's in bud. In bathroom receiving ambient southern light. (pictures #7 & 8)
5. Gptm. Starburst 'Parkside' AM/AOS. This one also looks healthy to me. It's in bud as well and also in bathroom receiving ambient southern light. (pictures #1 & 2 on 2nd post)
6. Bl. Yellow Bird. Looks healthy. It's in bloom. Currently in kitchen receiving southern window light. (pictures #3-5 on 2nd post)
7. Den Chomphu Yai. This one is currently in bud and blooming. It's hard for me to tell the current health state of this one. It's such a tall plant and heavy and seems to be too big for it's current pot? I don't have any knowledge when it comes to Den's, so any advice for this one is highly appreciated! It's currently in my kitchen receiving high ambient southern light. (pictures #6 & #7 on 2nd post)
8. Onc. Speckle Spire 'Snowflake'. This orchid is immense. It's the biggest one they sent me. I can barely see through all of the leaves to even check the roots and potting medium. It's currently in bud and is receiving ambient southern light in my kitchen. (pictures #8-10 on 2nd post)
9. D. Love Memory 'Fizz'. This orchid is currently in bloom. Seems healthy? Is currently in my kitchen receiving southern window light. (pictures #1 & 2 on 3rd post)
10. Lc. Big Time #1. I'm not sure about this one. I can't tell if in good condition or not. Moss on top is really concealing condition of roots and bark underneath. It is currently in bud and receiving southern window light in kitchen. (pictures #3-5 on 3rd post)
11. C White Reception 'NN'. This is currently in bud. Unsure of health. Pseudobulbs look like they've seen better days? But also, I am unfamiliar with this type of orchid, so I could be wrong. It is currently receiving southern window light from kitchen. (pictures #6-9 on 3rd post)
12. Moira. Yellow Star Golden Gambol. This is in bud and is receiving ambient southern window light. I must've forgotten to take a photo of this one; I will update post later with its' picture.
Thank you for any help and/or tips or just general advice you can give me, it is much appreciated. Thanks all.