Originally Posted by desirue
Thank you so much for your response, it definitely eased my nerves! I've got a fan in the kitchen now. I get so much joy from my orchid and reading and learning and talking with others who share that joy. But I'm finding that the more I learn, the more stressed and anxious I get as well. I just really, really want my orchid to flourish. I've gotten quite attached to it over the past year (as is evidenced by all of my posts, lol!)
I have the same orchid anxiety. If you look in my post history, you will find a lot of frantic posts here.
I think your plant is probably at very little risk for overwatering/air circulation issues in that pot.
You probably would also not want the fan too close/strong because of this.
Because of the pot you have, the orchid could be more prone to drying out excessively (especially if you have low humidity). This is a good condition to have for the most part as it staves away rots.
That said if it is a quick dry pot already and you put a fan too close as if blow drying the plant, it could dry so much that the roots desiccate. This is something I have learned the hard way once before.
It is always an advantage to have a running fan in the room to circulate the room air so it isn’t stagnant, but that plant should dry in the perfect amount of time and have fine circulation with a fan in the room, but not really particularly close to the plant itself as that pot should give it more than enough circulation to begin with.
The roots look very good and healthy by the way. If you have had it in this condition for a year, you’ve probably been doing a great job with it.