Hi everybody! I'm a newbie here and am excited to be a part of this community! I'm also a fairly new orchid owner. I got my first orchid this past January from Trader Joes. I've grown quite attached to her over the past nine months and have recently become interested in learning more about orchid care and orchids in general.
My orchid has not been repotted. I know it needs to be. What I'm struggling with and what I'm hoping you guys can help me with ... is whether right now is a good time to do it. She is sprouting new leaves at the base (is this a basal keiki or just new leaves?) In addition to the leaf growths, my orchid is also sprouting a new flower spike.
Would it be wise to repot right now? Or should I wait? I've already ordered a carousel pot and new medium from repotme that scheduled to be here in a few days.
Any help and/or advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!