Excellent questions. You are definitely doing your homework, which usually results in success. Sounds like you are on the right path with your set-up.
30cm should be fine, initially.
Ludisia discolor can get a bit hefty on size compared to
Macodes &
Anoeoctochilus. Quick question. Can you explain a little bit more about the "ventilator" you mentioned?
This is just coming from my end (an opinion): I believe any terrarium set-up will need to be tweaked somewhat (trial & error) to find that 'desired sweet spot' for happy plants.
I've grown several species (and hybrids) of jewels successfully inside terrariums of different sizes, including 12" (30cm) cubes. My terrariums are mainly utilitarian, used for mounted and potted orchids. The 12" cubes I've been using have glass tops. They are passively vented (a small 3/4" gap on the top... so the glass top does not fully cover the entire terrarium. Other set-ups are almost completely closed (small gaps around the doors of these terrariums), so I use forced air inside the set-up for circulation (small computer fans).
My jewels are grown potted using net pots. I use small bark as a growing substrate. I also have shallow pans/saucers (about 1.5 - 2 inches deep) with live sphagnum moss growing inside of them (filled with anywhere from 1 to 1.75 inches of water). My potted net pots are placed within the pans/saucers nestled around the live sphagnum. By doing this (from lots of observation, along with trial & error) I can maintain a RH level of around 70-80% within my set-ups.
The bark substrate is kept moist all the time (water from live sphagnum pans/saucers wick through the net pots and keep the bark substrate at the desired moisture levels that "my jewels" seem to like. I top off the live sphagnum pans/saucers with distilled H2O on a consistent schedule (most of the water evaporates in about a week's time).
Pots can be easily removed from my set-ups for flushing/fertilizing/watering when needed (very low maintenance and does not consume much time). I've been successful with medium low artificial LED lighting (photo-period of about 10 hours), RH around 70-80%, temperatures average around 76-82F year round during the day, and knocking down to about 10 degrees F lower at night (depending on the time of year, eg. winter time). My jewels thrive and are happy with this routine.
A couple photos to give you an idea of how they are potted (might give you a better idea of what works for me). Keep us posted on the progression of your terrarium when you get a chance.
Late post tack-on: Set this little 8" x 8" x 12"high (approx. 20x20x30cm) terrarium up last fall. Made some orchid divisions (from my main terrariums) that I wanted to keep, but really did not have any space to keep them. So I used this small enclosed glass container to house the extras... an 'overflow' container of sorts. Just a no-cost temporary solution for my extras (already had it sitting around collecting dust). Still have one
bulbophyllum in there as of today, and it has done well.
More or less it's completely closed (except for a narrow gap on top). Photos below. Adjusted light intensity by using a small piece of black plastic needlepoint material on top. RH stays around 70-80%. No issues with mold or fungus. Bought some inexpensive (but good quality) digital hygrometers/thermometers some time ago that are used for chicken-egg incubators and made in the USA. Used one of those inside this set-up and have been surprised with it's accuracy, also pleased with duration.