Cattleya is fully horizontal and keeps tipping its pot!
Earlier this year I bought a Blc. “Amazing Thailand’ from a nursery. Almost all the pseudobulbs were fully horizontal and the thing was constantly on the verge of tipping. I repotted it after the blooms finished and it has now started growing new roots and a tiny new pseudobulb. It seems happy, but it’s ALL the way sideways and so precariously positioned no matter how I try to situate it: I can’t tip it to one side because there are horizontal pseudobulbs on BOTH sides of the orchid, and I’d have to smother it in potting medium to anchor it moderately securely in a pot (this is what the nursery had done, and it seemed like the roots weren’t happy about it).
When I first repotted it I tried staking it, but the pseudobulbs were so heavy and rigid they just keep pulling at the stakes and twine and I wasn't able to keep them up at all (and didn't want to force it).
So I had two potential ideas: (1) Tie it to a basket and let it attach itself to that. (2) Mount it on a big ol’ piece of something, and just let it be horizontal forever.
I’m hesitant about the basket idea because I have another giant cattleya that is happily wrapped around a basket and I’m dreading the hassle it will surely be to detach it if/when that basket starts rotting. But on the other hand, I have never mounted an orchid before.
Does anyone have suggestions on what I can do with this horizontal cattleya? It is currently hanging out in my sink because yet again was on the verge of toppling out of its pot. Any tips would be really appreciated!
I'm attaching a picture of this orchid. It was about to tip out of the potting medium so I just pulled it out because I really don't want these brand-new roots getting damaged.