I've had my 'Sharry Baby' Oncidium for a little while now, and the pseudobulb has slowly become severely dehydrated and very wrinkled. It's bowed like a potato chip, and it's very hard. It's still very green, and all of the leaves are fine, and it's even putting out a second flower spike! It's currently in full bloom, and all buds opened without a problem. I've been watering frequently, as it's indoors and I have low humidity. Today, however, I examined the roots to find the possible issue with the dehydration, and found the roots are wet and squishy, but the bark was nearly dry. What is causing this? I also noticed that the flowers have hardly any scent, which is disappointing because I've heard they smell like chocolate...

I repotted it with a mix of bark and sphagnum moss to help hold moisture. I've refrained from cutting the mushy roots because I don't want to cause root shock and lose the perfect bloom. The roots are the typical white/light beige color. There is no blackening or curious colors even on the mushy roots. Any advice on how to keep this baby healthy? If I were to guess, I would say she is 3-4 years old. If that helps at all. This is the first Oncidium of any kind that I've owned so I'm still learning.
