My first mounted orchid, a Lepanthes telipogoniflora, doing well. BUT a white mold is occurring on the wood mount. There is a honeycomb looking structure to it. I took a tool and scraped as much off as possible, sprayed with 3% hydrogen peroxide, and placed in it's own container. What more can I do? I am hesitant to remove the plant from the mount (as I have never done it). Please help with suggestions. Thanks~Sharon
White molds mostly grow on dead tissue, and dead tissue feeders not invade living plants. Killing what you see would be only a temporary measure; it will come back unless the environment changes. And the risk of damaging your plant with the H2O2 is substantial.
I would lower the relative humidity as much as you think safe, and increase ventilation a little. I don't have this species. But in general, to prevent fungal and bacterial attack, keep the humidity no higher than necessary, and provide ventilation in growing areas. There are a few orchids that do better in tightly closed spaces. I don't know whether this is one of them.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.