I bought a big white flowered phalaenopsis in Ikea in march. The newest roots were rarely wet but become black where they were touching the stem or growing out of it. I tried with hydrogen peroxide 3% to help but eather it helped and stopped the mold, but then the root dried and I cut it off or it didn't help and the black mold went more in the stem. Fearing crown/stem root I scratched the black mold from inside of the stem and then I used the peroxide again. Because I broke some vessels 2 leaves dried of-not the oldest. The oldest two were OK and had no vessels-I think-broken. But last week the younger of the 2 eldest leaves dried and fell off and now the oldest is yellowing too.
I am scared if this is mold still or just a response to my intrusive actions? I am new to orchids-phalaenopsis. I had a few of them for 2 year but I didn't really dedicate my time and love to them, but in the last 6 months I started to rally get into this. I find it, it calms me down and I like seeing them grow and bloom.
PS: Last week I got a new phalaenopsis actually it is vandaenopsis irene dobkin elmhurst hcc / aos. When I ordered it I didn't know or expect to be so little (seedling). I thought it will be BS or NBS. But I can wait. I am just worried by her looks. One leaf has 3 sections when usually leaves have only two-picture. Also the grow alternately one left one right. But here are two on the same side. Is it a keiki maybe? One older leaf has a bit brown colour is it OK for a cause for concern?
Thank you for helping me

With best regards Shani