Weather in MI
This summer has proven challenging for orchid growth. The first half of June we had a severe drought with 90-96 degree heat.
Now we have flood conditions. We've received our entire average rainfall for the month of June in 4 days. We're forcast to have heavy rain everyday for at least the next 8 days.
Its been warm but now I am concerned about my orchids. They're all outside. Do I need to worry about rot at this point? My Catt's are potted in a catt. mix but my phals and Miltonia's along with others are in a spaghman mix.
I already battled a rot problem over the winter and don't want to go through that again.
Should I bring them in?
So far they look ok but my Phal. Guadalupe Pineda looks like its rot issue is comming back- or perhaps it never went away. I really love that orchid but I don't know if its salavgeable at this point.