I acquired a Paphiopedilum Ciliolare last March 26, 2021. I found out that the plant hand fungal problems. At first, there were black spots and yellow rings around it. I sprayed fungicide and observed.. later on, the fungal spots started spreading. I decided to cut the leaves with the fungal problem. The plant has spikes and I know that the old growth transfers nutrients to the newer growths, which are still either babies or have flower spikes. When I cut the leaves, a day after, I found out that some leaves from the old growths were turning dry and dark (refer to picture). Is this normal? Could this be due to magnesium deficiency of the old growths since they're transferring their nutriets to the newer growths? Below are pictures with descriptions.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
I'd also like to ask if these brown spots on my Paphiopedilum Philippinense are not fungal problems? The plant was acquired 2 weeks ago and came along with it. They don't seem to be spreading. Below are the images.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
I grow them both Paphs outdoors. with bright light together with Phalaenopsis... average temparture is high 28 degreec C at night to 31-33 in the morning and afternoon. They get direct light around 30 min. - 1 hour each day (around 10:30am-11:30am). It's summer here so it can be really hot. Come rainy season, which is June, temperature can significantly drop, which could be ideal for Paphs. Don't want to move the plants anywhere, but I think they could adapt to the environment. The Phals were able to bloom on the same spot.
Hope you guys could help, thank you.