Think I was sent the wrong orchid? Phrag QF Leina’ala
I purchased this Phrag from Palmer Orchids about a month ago. It’s starting to bloom and looks nothing like the orchid I’ve seen in pictures. It was grown from seed so I realize there can be variation but it looks *nothing* like the orchid I purchased. It’s much smaller than the bloom I expected as well.
This is my first phrag so I don’t know if the bloom changes as it opens but it looks like a completely different orchid. My paph blooms enlarge a little as they open; maybe that’s what will happen here?
Not many examples of this grex nor its Conchiferum parent are online. Seed-grown hybrids may show wide variation. First blooms may look different from blooms on more mature plants.
Your plant has shorter lateral sepals than photos online, but I think it's in the realm of possibility given the ancestry. The color is very nice.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
I looked this one up, too. Orchidwiz does have photos of the two parents. Both parents are half Phrag longifolium, so the grex ends up being half P. longifolium. The photo in the thumbnail looks like the OW photo of Phrag. Incan Treasure (one parent), where Phrag kovachii is fairly dominant. Add another dose of longifolium and the somewhat similarly-shaped Phrag caricinum to make the Phrag. Conchiferum parent, and the big, round P. kovachii influence likely did get diluted. All things considered, I'd think that your flower would actually be quite likely. The big, round, dark flower with a lot of kovachii influence would, I suspect, be the exception not the rule.
Thanks I appreciate it—so would the pink one with the long sepals in the pic be the Incan Treasure? That was what I liked so I’m a little disappointed. I like the very light pink; it’s very pretty. I appreciate your help and input!
Actually, it's the petals not sepals... the one in the pic likely is Incan Treasure... or by accident of genetics, maybe there were a few in the grex that looked like that where kovachii dominated more than it would be expected to. And got the photo. But I think that your pink flower is really beautiful.
I purchased this Phrag from Palmer Orchids about a month ago. It’s starting to bloom and looks nothing like the orchid I’ve seen in pictures.
Nice! That will teach them to send you the wrong orchid. This one looks fantastic.
But if you're really after a particular style or look ----- then the best approach will be to just contact Palmer Orchids and send them a photo - and then they should be able to help out.
I don't think they're able to do mass cloning of Phrags. They're all raised from seed, thus variable. The only way to be sure of getting a hybrid flower just like you want is to buy a divi$ion of a previously-flowered plant.
Sellers of hybrid seedlings tend to post photos of the nicest progeny, not necessarily the commonest progeny. If you buy a dozen (or a flask) and flower them, you can keep the nicest.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
I don't think they're able to do mass cloning of Phrags. They're all raised from seed, thus variable. The only way to be sure of getting a hybrid flower just like you want is to buy a divi$ion of a previously-flowered plant.
Same is true of Paphs. I don't think anyone knows why slipper orchids don't lend themselves to cloning, but they don't. ES, I like your spelling of divi$ion . For sure...
Same is true of Paphs. I don't think anyone knows why slipper orchids don't lend themselves to cloning, but they don't. ES, I like your spelling of divi$ion . For sure...
As far as I know it has to do with the difficulty of sterilizing explants.
Contrary to most orchids, their meristems aren't protected with any kind of sheath/scale/protective layer, and sterilisation isn't effective, or kills the cells in the process.
They're also very slow to develop and recalcitrant to common tissue culture media and techniques, so they were somehow left behind.