Any good tips on how to get a very rootbound plant out of a planter?
I've had this dendrochilum cobbianum in this little pot for about 3 years. It started out very small and now it's spilling out. I thought it would be about time for a repot especially since it hasn't yet put out new growths since last blooming. Normally it would have by now but I thought it might be stalling because it ran out of space. (You might not be able to see in the pics but the newest growth is jutting out far over the pot rim.)
However, I'm having an impossible time getting it out of its pot. I watered it earlier today in an effort to loosen up the roots but it just won't budge AT ALL. I took a look and it seems like all the tiny roots are winding around the pot and holding on for dear life. The roots look great, and I know it's a plant that hates being repotted. Seems like I would have to destroy the roots and the pot to get it out. Right now I'm soaking it in the pot to see if that helps. What's my move?