Accordion leaves are associated with dehidration.
If those are old leaves, it means it happened in the past (once deformed, they stay like that).
If they are new leaves, then the problem is happening right now. So check the roots and if ok, then water more.
In your case, Cochleanthes like to stay almost wet and from the photos, the roots seem ok.
I would water more.
Maybe some irregularity in the way that water is getting into the plant to supply the leaves. If the roots within the dark depths of the media have issues due to getting water-logged (or equivalent) ----- and then the roots make some recovery, and then experiences similar cycles ----- such as interchanging between states of recovery and having issues ----- in cycles, then that could be one possibility.
Cycling between too dry a media and then recovery (after watering) ...... could be another possibility. And could also consider humidity too ---- as in whether there are periods of very dry, then changing to satisfactory again, then cycling back and forward between two extreme conditions.