That's what it looks like to me too. Often, you can free the stuck end - gently separate the leaves that are holding it, and it may pop free, and will tend to straighten out as it grows. Be very careful of the spike, though... if you try to direcly "persuade" it, likely to snap.
Flower spike. It is just stuck. The tip usually will grow up the grove of the leaf, but it got pinched. As the spike continued to lengthen, the pinch stopped progress up the grove. So the spike started to bend. If left on it’s own, it would pull itself out. But it would never be straight. Be very careful, in trying to free it. One wrong move and snap, there goes the spike,
I use a butter knife to VERY carefully slide the leaf sheaths apart. The spike should pop out. This happens to me frequently with one plant. OB members advised me I wasn't watering enough during spike development.