I received a phal as a gift about 2 years ago. It was very happy sitting on the windowsill of my dorm room and it gave me many beautiful blooms.
Then I was told that I was not allowed to keep it on my windowsill anymore, so I put it outside on a common balcony outside my room (this is in Florida.)
It took a whole year of love and care, but it finally spiked again and there were about 5 lovely new buds. One day it was gone. Someone stole it but our RA recovered it about 2 weeks later in someone's room. The plant was dry, but still alive, but the buds were broken off.

I cut it right above the uppermost node and applied a little cinnamon.
Lo and behold! a few weeks later it sprouted a secondary spike that was growing nicely.
On Sunday - when I brought it in for the night as I always do - I noticed that the tip of the new spike was broken off, probably less than 1/4 of an inch. I'm so upset
What do I do now? It's frustrating as I have given this plant so much love and care. I even sing to it every night.
Its leaves are large and lustrous and it it otherwise very healthy.
Thank you!