Hi, I was watching this video where the person talks about making orchid keiki by just wrapping orchid stem cuttings with moss and put in a tall vase with some water with the top covered to keep humidity. Let's not digress by focusing on some of the wrong things she said (e.g. moss is food fo the keiki). But many comments in the video say that this method did result in keiki for some people (it doesn't work for others)!
Then, I saw this guy who was skeptical at first but he used the same method and successfully grow a keiki from stem cutting (fast forward to 12 min 18 if you don't have time):
Of course using this method to clone 100 orchids is a clickbait. But, this method DOES WORK in producing keiki! My question is HOW can a keiki grow from just a stem cutting??? There are very few resources saved in the stem cuttings!