I got this from a client of mine who said it died, it had bad watering conditions, bad sunlight direction, and no fertilization. Whats wrong with it and what should I do to help this baby?
The first order of business it to cut off the leaves with black rot before it spreads. Use sterile scissors and dab cinnamon on the cut areas to prevent infection. Next order of business is to repot. You'll probably only end up with one leaf after you do surgery, but if the roots are good it will probably kick out a new leaf pretty quickly. Keep it in a warm spot and out of bright light for a couple of weeks.
I agree with above Although I would probably leave the 2 big leaves (if the 'black bit' is not rot and is only- burnt as in sunburn?) Definitely repot first as looks like plenty of 'good roots'...
be interested to know what you do & results! keep us posted!
It's a Phalenopsis that has been way over watered. If it were mine, I would treat with Thiomyl (a systemic rot treatment). The reason I suggest this is the roots appear good - at least some of them. So it can absorb the chemical. It can be purchased from Thiomyl OSG23: Camp Lot A Noise Tropicals