I can’t say for certain, but it could be stem rot. Your temperature and watering regime sound fine. When I’ve had a bunch of leaves drop in quick succession there’s usually some type of infection and most of the plants succumbed. If it is rot, you can carefully peel back the dead leaf bases, and see if there are any dark rotting areas underneath: you have to be pretty careful that you don’t accidentally snap off the top of the plant (they don’t tend to survive that).
If caught early, I’ve had some plants pull through. Once the problem area was exposed to air it dried out and stopped progressing. I’m very careful to water from the edge of the pot and keep the rot area dry in these cases. The roots and stem below the level of the rot tend to slowly die, but the survivors have been able to send out new roots from above the rotten area.
I think most of the stem rot issues I’ve had have been brought on by keeping the plant too cold and/or letting them sit in broken down media for too long. You’re keeping yours pretty warm though so I don’t think this is an issue.