Last fall I ordered a Motes special of four vandas and told them to wait until it was warmer to send from Florida to New Mexico.
They arrived two weeks ago, late on PM, I found them the next morning and they were ok, the blooms on one dropped from the cold.
Bangkok Sunset
Robert's delight x mini palmer
V (Ponpimol xManuvaedeel ) x Kultana Blue
Pda. Corneels Cilliers 'Midnight Serenade'
I have followed ESs advice re fertilizer, light, water and humidity/water.
How ever they do not seem to be doing well. All four have browning lower leaves. The Bangkok seem to be healthest.
Am I doing something wrong or did they become damaged in the cold the night they arrived.
Would I damage them if I sterilize scissors and cut the brown leaves back to green or off? I always use cinammon on the wound when/if I ever cut a leaf on a Phal. I have three of mine, two with damaged leaf and doing well after removal. One had crown rot, and the leaf one one side dropped. I am trying to save her as a learning experience, hoping for a keiki.
And advice on the Vandas greatly appreciated. I am very happy with the listed ones and hoping for blooms soon or at least later or next spring. Young grasshopper is trying to be PATIENT>