Encyclia rufly profuse - how long for the spike to mature?
Hello everyone,
I have this encyclia rufly profuse that I bought a few years ago when it was pretty small. Now, after a loooong time, it finally decided to create a spike. So in about December it started growing the spike....and it’s been growing ever since. How long is it normal for them to take before they bloom? That’s a long time to grow a spike - it has not stopped growing, it gets taller and taller every week, but there is no trace of an actual flower. It’s about hip high now if I put it on the floor - which I had to because none of my shelves were tall enough for it. It’s the first time it’s blooming for me and the first encyclia that is blooming for me so I am not sure if there is something wrong with it, something I need to do or just how they usually operate. Should I be worried or just let it be? I know they are supposed to be long spikes, but are they supposed to take this long to mature? Thank you!
Last edited by Maru777; 03-23-2021 at 08:06 PM..