Hi another newbie here!
#1 I received this orchid second hand and the friend got it from has noted it a Rhyncholaeliocattleya Waianae Leopard? so a cattleya ? not sure.
But I am having trouble keeping it hydrated enough and hoping learning what it is will help?!
When got it was in basket packed with bark mix medium pretty tight and since have repotted w/ fresh medium more loosely as it was growing new roots towards top but bottom was rough so trimmer repotted looser.
I was watering full drench once a week but as gets warmer I’m thinking I may need to start watering every morning for this one? Different medium, maybe vol rock instead or humidity tray?
I grow in central Florida & keep in a sunroom.
My others...
2. Noid big box store bought Phal in loose moss/basket. Had it for years and doing ok as finally gave me flowers this yr for first time since being bought.
3. Another Noid Phal? The one with blooms in pot. Anyways it’s inside at moment for the blooms but will go back to sunroom when done. It’s in an Orchid pot with loose spag moss. But may replant to basket after bloom because I usually do not have good luck with the pot. It’s been moss death for the few I’ve had die on me so far & all just seem so better in baskets. Not sure if should though ?
4. Purple Vanda? but forgot to write down the full name?
The poor Vanda I am trying bring back from brink of death as got it second hand dying with almost no roots and had been packed tight in medium. I unpacked trimmed and have just in basket now and does have
new roots growing so taking that as sign it’s happier?
Am worried about the leaves though. Think was just sunburned from where I got it but hoping no other issues? I do have a small piece plastic beneath in the basket it to help hold some moisture but worry i should have medium or something else? maybe volcanic rock on bottom instead?
Some more general questions but is there anything I can do better for my others esp the cattleya & vanda?
Is there any watering method or schedule that works for all?
Is there a medium that truly works well for all types or better in Warmer sunroom?
Any insight to help on this one would be helpful! Thanks